Oak Bay Urban Forest Symposium – November 3 – 2015

Margaret Lidkea sends the following announcement, and invitation, to attend the important Oak Bay Urban Forest Symposium, to be held at Windsor Park Pavilion, November 3, 2015, 7-9pm.

Dear Friends
Oak Bay Parks, Friends of Uplands Park and Habitat Acquisition Trust are hosting this important event. This is the first public meeting in Greater Victoria about the Urban Forest. Strategies will be developed by each municipality. Please arrive early for a seat. Refreshments. Donations welcome. Poster PDF: https://www.oakbay.ca/sites/default/files/recreation/documents/parks_symposium_flyer.pdf
Margaret Lidkea, Chair of FOUP

This local Oak Bay focused Urban Forest Symposium follows from the Canadian Urban Forest Conference held in Victoria Fall 2014. [2014 Conference presentations available at http://www.cufn.ca/#!cufc11-victoria-british-columbia/c7rb]

Urban Tree Symposium Poster 2015-11-03 parks_symposium_flyer
Urban Tree Symposium Poster 2015-11-03 parks_symposium_flyer

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